Attached is the latest draft of the MOVE IT legislation which has been renamed Modernizing Government Technology Act or MGT. The bill merges the ideas in the Rep. Hurd MOVE IT legislation of working capital funds at the 24 CFO Act agencies with the ideas in the Rep. Hoyer IT Modernization Act of a mega fund at GSA (including establishing the board to review investments) into a comprehensive IT modernization package. The FedRAMP reforms, which were included in the bill as introduced, have been removed from this version because the sponsors were concerned that some of the provisions related to FedRAMP could cause opposition to the bill and therefore derail its passage this year.
Rich and I are pleased to have played a significant role in laying the groundwork for the legislation and helping to clear the path for the compromise bill.
The legislation will be considered by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Thursday and is expected to be considered by the full House of Representatives on Monday, September 19th.
Getting this done in the House before the election recess is a significant accomplishment and we are appreciative of the efforts of Reps. Hurd and Connolly, Leader Hoyer, as well as Chairman Chaffetz and the other sponsors for their effort to pass this critical legislation. It remains unclear at this point when the legislation will be considered in the Senate but the possibility exists that it could be “hot lined” and considered by unanimous consent prior to the upcoming recess.
The legislation, as you know, puts a laser-like focus on IT modernization and will drive agencies to rethink how and on what they spend their IT resources. This is a significant win for IT innovators in the federal government.
Please let us know if you have any questions and we will continue to keep you updated as the process moves forward.