After months of efforts to develop a comprehensive legislative proposal to accelerate the federal government’s adoption of innovative IT, we are excited to announce that today legislation will be introduced in both the House and Senate to create working capital funds at the 24 CFO Act agencies as well as reform the FedRAMP program.
The legislation, which in draft form was known as Cloud IT is now called the MOVE IT Act. The bill as introduced, a section-by-section and our summary are available if you click the links below:
Special thanks goes out to the sponsors of the legislation, Reps. Hurd (R-TX), Comstock (R-VA), Herrera-Beutler (R-WA), along with Connolly (D-VA), Lieu (D-CA), Kelly (D-IL) and Kilmer (D-WA) in the House and Senators Udall (D-NM), Moran (R-KS), Warner (D-VA) and Daines (R-MT) who introduced the Senate version. Bipartisan, bi-cameral legislation is a rarity these days and they are all to be commended for their efforts.